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Who Should Have Task-Allocation Authority in Human-Automation Teams: Humans or Algorithms?


报告题目:Who Should Have Task-Allocation Authority in Human-Automation Teams: Humans or Algorithms?

时间:2023年6月29日 9:00-10:00



举办人:王建军 教授


Effective task allocation between humans and automation has attracted much attention since the introduction of automation technologies that assist humans in task performance. However, the rise of decision-making algorithms capable of making task-allocation judgments has inspired an urgent inquiry: who (humans or algorithms) should have task-allocation authority in human-automation teams? Drawing on the team-based lens, this study proposes four hypotheses comparing the relative impacts of three task-allocation decision-making approaches (DMAs) on human-automation team performance. To test the hypotheses, we conducted a laboratory experiment with participants playing on a gaming platform. The results suggest that the effectiveness of DMAs for team performance is contingent on task uncertainty and human expertise. Our findings reveal interesting insights into whether humans or algorithms should have task-allocation authority in human-automation teams under different scenarios.


崔晓聪博士毕业于美国Georgia State University, 现就职于美国University of New Mexico. 硕士毕业于正规买球app排行十佳平台管理与经济学部,师从王建军教授。 研究方向为Human-Automation/ Algorithm/AI Interaction. 研究成果发表在Information & Management, Internet Research 等期刊。现为Journal of Database Management 的Editorial Review Board

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