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Zero to One: Sales Prospecting with Augmented Recommendation.


报告题目:Zero to One: Sales Prospecting with Augmented Recommendation.

报告人:朱玉婷 新加坡国立大学市场营销系

邀请人:宋晓兵 教授


地点:正规买球app排行十佳平台 B208


Helping new salespeople succeed is critical in sales force management. We develop a deep-learning-based recommender system to help new salespeople recognize suitable customers, leveraging historical sales records of experienced salespeople. One challenge is how to learn from experienced salespeople's own failures, which are prevalent but often do not show up in sales records. We develop a parsimonious model to capture these "missing by choice'' sales records and incorporate the model into a neural network to form an augmented, deep-learning-based recommender system. We validate our method using sales force transaction data from a large insurance company. Our method outperforms common benchmarks in prediction accuracy and recommendation quality, while being simple, explainable, and flexible. We demonstrate the value of our method in improving sales force productivity.


朱玉婷博士现任新加坡国立大学市场营销系助理教授,于麻省理工学院(MIT)获得博士学位。研究领域主要集中在数据驱动的营销管理,尤其关注用于销售团队管理的增强型机器学习算法、用于可扩展目标营销的增强型机器学习和优化方法、面向数据驱动的组织和平台的激励设计等问题。研究成果发表于Marketing ScienceManagement Science等国际顶级期刊。

上一条:Person Versus Company: How Target Framing Affects Online Consumer Reviews

下一条:Matching and Learning for Service Platforms
